as long as the 7-step, 6-sided cube will be able to restore any
crack tips and share with you:
First, crack the puzzle, we must first understand its structure, Cube 6 color 6 faces, each side is divided into the central block (the middle of the block 6), corners (4 corner block 8) and the side blocks (four at the edge of the block 12). Of which only one side the central block, they are a fixed structure, so central is the red block, then the red should be the other side to this focus. And red is always the center of the block opposite the central block of orange (international standard is so specified). The block has two side faces two colors, corners there are three faces three colors.
Next we have with each side represented by the letter,
sina and then break to explain in the letter will be used to rotate a layer or a surface, and direction: for example: R (on behalf of 90 degrees clockwise on the right), R `(on behalf of the right turn 90 degrees counterclockwise), R2 (2 times on behalf of the right turn 90 degrees clockwise)
is shown below:
final note is: the name of each side is relative, for example, F is the front, that is, when holding a Rubik's cube for his side, if we imitate the rotation to the other side, then there is a new side of a front.
Well, let's try the next
the following 7 steps to restore the cube it!
1. first side of the middle of the block is white (with a piece of rubiks logo) facing the top, and then make a white cross at the top, that is, all other colors of the blocks to the appropriate position (small complex, see picture, note the subject of the above formulas Oh, did correct)
2. Then the white corners homing (Cheats said, very complex and easier to understand, or plug-Rights)
3. Then let the middle edge pieces into place.
the white face turned to the next, find the red and green side of the block, if the red and green on the top side of the block according top clockwise until the edge of the block in Figure 1 on the same situation, in accordance with the formulas rotating cube, so that side of the block into place. If the red and green side of the block in the middle of a layer, but in the wrong place or color error, the first block on the right side of the red and green position in front, and then re-spin in accordance with one of the following sequence 1.
4. Then the top (should be yellow) side of the block to adjust upward, making yellow cross. If the rotation in accordance with formulas 1, the top not a yellow cross, repeatable formulas by turning, until the yellow cross appears.
5. Then adjusted to cross the yellow around corners, a bit difficult to see formulas clue.
6. Usually this time yellow block, and the dislocation will have the color of the side, according to formulas (I have not fully digested) to locate the four corners of the yellow block.
7. Finally, the edge of the color and then adjust to the corresponding location. You're done! ! Thrill.
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